Foodbank cooking ideas – done four ways

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When dinner must come out of a can – especially if provided by the local foodbank – it needs something different to make it special. So, this year, following a specific request by North Norfolk Foodbank to create simple recipes … Continued

Book now for Food Festival favourites

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The 18th Slow Food Festival launches in Aylsham on its traditional October weekend featuring local food and drink producers, crafts people and entertainers as well as all the old favourites. From street food to indoor markets, home-grown vegetables to fresh-baked … Continued

Ready, steady, slooo . . .

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They came from near and far carrying their precious gastropod racers in lettuce-lined butter tubs and Perspex boxes. It was the morning of the second Great Aylsham Snail Race in the Market Place in August and entrants aged from three … Continued

Snails under starter’s orders

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Preparations are underway for the “slowest and silliest” race on Saturday 3 August at the Food & Craft Market just outside Aylsham Town Hall, when live snails will compete for the coveted “Lettuce Pot”. Organised by Slow Food, whose logo … Continued

Shop local for your festive food and drink

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Shoppers looking for something eco-friendly for the Christmas table or gift need not travel far for ideas. Aylsham must be the best placed town in the country to practice the ethos of Slow Food – local food, grown with concern … Continued